Florrea is a fast growing international company servicing mining industry, water treatment and oilfield.
Florrea focuses on providing better value added solutions and specialty mining chemicals for mineral processing: flotation,filtration/dewatering,desliming,hydrometallurgy, grinding, slurry pumping , tailings disposal and mineral refining waste gas treatment.
With headquarters in Shenyang China and multiple locations across North and South America, Asia, Africa ,Russia,and the Middle East, Florrea positions itself to serve world top leading mining companies in more than 30 countries ,enabling them to improve productivity and reduce operating costs while meeting complex economic, environmental and metallurgical challenges.
Florrea’s unique mining chemicals especially flotation reagents and its application technology becomes a market leader for some minerals flotation for both sulphide and oxide ores like
Basic metals sulfide ores: copper, copper molybdenum, copper gold , copper zinc , copper lead , copper sulphur,molybdenum, copper-lead-zinc-gold-silver polymetallic, nickel , antimony, pyrite .
Precious metals ores: gold, silver , platinum group metals
Oxide ores: copper oxide ores, lead oxide ore, zinc oxide ore, tin , rare earth ore, tungsten , coal , lithium , spodumene , lepidolite , antimony oxide ore,bauxite alumina, iron ore.
Industrial minerals: fluorite , phosphate , potash ,dolomite
Let us know your toughest mineral processing challenge.
We'll meet it with our team of experts, our industry-leading technologies ,innovative products and our ongoing support to make your operation more profitable and more sustainable
Florrea focuses on providing better value added solutions and specialty mining chemicals for mineral processing: flotation,filtration/dewatering,desliming,hydrometallurgy, grinding, slurry pumping , tailings disposal and mineral refining waste gas treatment.
With headquarters in Shenyang China and multiple locations across North and South America, Asia, Africa ,Russia,and the Middle East, Florrea positions itself to serve world top leading mining companies in more than 30 countries ,enabling them to improve productivity and reduce operating costs while meeting complex economic, environmental and metallurgical challenges.
Florrea’s unique mining chemicals especially flotation reagents and its application technology becomes a market leader for some minerals flotation for both sulphide and oxide ores like
Basic metals sulfide ores: copper, copper molybdenum, copper gold , copper zinc , copper lead , copper sulphur,molybdenum, copper-lead-zinc-gold-silver polymetallic, nickel , antimony, pyrite .
Precious metals ores: gold, silver , platinum group metals
Oxide ores: copper oxide ores, lead oxide ore, zinc oxide ore, tin , rare earth ore, tungsten , coal , lithium , spodumene , lepidolite , antimony oxide ore,bauxite alumina, iron ore.
Industrial minerals: fluorite , phosphate , potash ,dolomite
Let us know your toughest mineral processing challenge.
We'll meet it with our team of experts, our industry-leading technologies ,innovative products and our ongoing support to make your operation more profitable and more sustainable
Florrea's mining Reagents portfolio:

Our world is growing and brings with it a threat to our planet as we are consuming its resources at an unsustainable rate.
The challenges facing mines and mineral processors are extraordinary and intensifying as the push for productivity and sustainability improvements has never been greater.
Ore grades are declining, ore feeds are constantly changing and becoming finer with more gangue, water scarcity to environmental regulations pressure are increasing,climate change and carbon emission goal is there, mine and local community NON harmonious growth together cause mine constant shutdown , In this challenging context, solutions to global megatrends in mining like resources efficiency and sustainability developments are vital.
Florrea global expertised teams are bonded together with customers and partners to work as ONE TEAM ONE TARGET to address today and tomorrow’s problems,challenges, targets and megatrends to design and offer better reagents and solutions for mineral processing,mineral refining and solvents extractions.
The challenges facing mines and mineral processors are extraordinary and intensifying as the push for productivity and sustainability improvements has never been greater.
Ore grades are declining, ore feeds are constantly changing and becoming finer with more gangue, water scarcity to environmental regulations pressure are increasing,climate change and carbon emission goal is there, mine and local community NON harmonious growth together cause mine constant shutdown , In this challenging context, solutions to global megatrends in mining like resources efficiency and sustainability developments are vital.
Florrea global expertised teams are bonded together with customers and partners to work as ONE TEAM ONE TARGET to address today and tomorrow’s problems,challenges, targets and megatrends to design and offer better reagents and solutions for mineral processing,mineral refining and solvents extractions.
Florrea R & D Team
Novel Chemistry is a core component of products and solutions used in mineral processing including flotation.
Florrea is proud to have professional team of chemists and scientists to do intensive Research and developments .
The state of the art novel mining reagents are unique and vital in flotation performance breakthrough.
Based on our years of experience in flotation, superior applications expertise ,mineral processing technology , unique chemistries , constant stream of innovative proprietary products and insights to optimize mineral flotation,
Florrea Lab Test team
together with its global technical and sales teams work hand-in-hand with mine metallurgists to maximize performance through optimum reagent selection ,personalized service and faster response times globally and locally.
What are you searching for?
Better solution and mining reagents?
OK, contact Florrea to make mineral flotation better and better!
Novel Chemistry is a core component of products and solutions used in mineral processing including flotation.
Florrea is proud to have professional team of chemists and scientists to do intensive Research and developments .
The state of the art novel mining reagents are unique and vital in flotation performance breakthrough.
Based on our years of experience in flotation, superior applications expertise ,mineral processing technology , unique chemistries , constant stream of innovative proprietary products and insights to optimize mineral flotation,
Florrea Lab Test team
together with its global technical and sales teams work hand-in-hand with mine metallurgists to maximize performance through optimum reagent selection ,personalized service and faster response times globally and locally.
What are you searching for?
Better solution and mining reagents?
OK, contact Florrea to make mineral flotation better and better!
These Florrea reagents are also eco friendly
to help the mines Operating Sustainably and Responsibly every day.
For instance
Florrea DECOPPER® series depressants
D174 and D177 eco friendly depressant can replace sodium hydrosulfide(NaSH) in copper molybdenum separation as copper depressants,
Florrea MAXCOPPER® series flotation collectors for sulphide copper ores and associated gold and silver, can replace xanthate as neutral circuit promoters at lower pH value range which can reduce lime dosage tremendously.
Florrea MAXLEAD® series lead sulphide ore collectors can replace Aerophine like Aero 3418A promoter and can reduce cost tremendously while improving recovery of precious metals and still keeping good selectivity against pyrite and Sphalerite.
Florrea MAXCM® series collectors , frothers and depressants are comparatively better for improving recovery of copper/ molybdenum and gold /silver in replacing traditional collectors like xanthate , dithiophosphate and Thionocarbamate.
Florrea MAXMOLY® series collectors is developed successfully replacing diesels and kerosene in improving molybdenum recovery.
Florrea GOLDMAX® series collectors function better in improving gold recovery compared with xanthate ,xanthate derivatives and other thio collectors .
Florrea DELEAD® series depressants,environmental friendly and used as lead sulphide ore depressants successfully to replace sodium dichromate.
Florrea DELIME® series depressants for pyrite and Pyrohhotite is used to replace lime in sulphide ore flotation.
They have been manufactured commercially and contribute a lot in formulated solutions and reagents to Professionally customize the parts you want.
For instance
Florrea DECOPPER® series depressants
D174 and D177 eco friendly depressant can replace sodium hydrosulfide(NaSH) in copper molybdenum separation as copper depressants,
Florrea MAXCOPPER® series flotation collectors for sulphide copper ores and associated gold and silver, can replace xanthate as neutral circuit promoters at lower pH value range which can reduce lime dosage tremendously.
Florrea MAXLEAD® series lead sulphide ore collectors can replace Aerophine like Aero 3418A promoter and can reduce cost tremendously while improving recovery of precious metals and still keeping good selectivity against pyrite and Sphalerite.
Florrea MAXCM® series collectors , frothers and depressants are comparatively better for improving recovery of copper/ molybdenum and gold /silver in replacing traditional collectors like xanthate , dithiophosphate and Thionocarbamate.
Florrea MAXMOLY® series collectors is developed successfully replacing diesels and kerosene in improving molybdenum recovery.
Florrea GOLDMAX® series collectors function better in improving gold recovery compared with xanthate ,xanthate derivatives and other thio collectors .
Florrea DELEAD® series depressants,environmental friendly and used as lead sulphide ore depressants successfully to replace sodium dichromate.
Florrea DELIME® series depressants for pyrite and Pyrohhotite is used to replace lime in sulphide ore flotation.
They have been manufactured commercially and contribute a lot in formulated solutions and reagents to Professionally customize the parts you want.