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Tailings Management

Florrea partners with mineral processing companies to engineer tailings dewatering solutions that recover as much water as possible, giving you a more sustainable tailings disposal process while extending the life of your tailings storage facility and try to increase as much as possible the amount of a traditional tailings disposal solution – which ultimately helps to defer the heavy cost of building a new facility.

Florrea TMax@ Solution

Better Tailings MANAGEMENT Solution for tailings thickening/handling & reclamation



Recover More Water and Extend the Life of Your Tailings Storage Facility






Florrea partners with mineral processing companies to engineer tailings dewatering solutions that recover as much water as possible, giving you a more sustainable tailings disposal process while extending the life of your tailings storage facility
and try to increase as much as possible the amount of a traditional tailings disposal solution – which ultimately helps to defer the heavy cost of building a new facility.


  Lower dose, improved water quality and higher density tailings

  Faster rehabilitation of tailings and higher water recovery

  Comprehensive portfolio, incl. polymer preparation and dosing equipment in future

  experience, Global footprint, local service


Regardless of the type of operation, Florrea offers
TMax@ --a tailings management solution that will fit the specific parameters of the mineral and waste in your process.


Florrea solution covers across a variety of different operational environments, with solutions for alumina red mud tailings, copper tailings, complex sulfide ores, coal tailings, iron ore tailings, potash tailings, and more




Florrea’s product range for solid liquid separation including tailings management covers flocculants, coagulants , Density/Rheology aid and dewatering aids that are employed across a diverse range of applications, including thickening, clarifying, filtration and centrifugation


Core products such as flocculants are used in thickeners and clarifiers to enhance settling rates, improve clarities and reduce underflow volumes.


The advanced range of flocculants create a high density and more robust aggregate compared to conventional products, which are effective on a wide variety of mineral ore types.

This change in aggregate shape allows for faster consolidation, high underflow densities and low underflow yield stress.


Florrea is determined to offer a total package for all your solid liquid separation needs that includes reagents, equipment for chemical delivery, storage, preparation, dosing and dose control, together with novel process technologies and a wealth of application expertise.

Traditional tailings management practices do not align with ever-increasing demands of mining and mineral processing companies. 

From environmental concerns rooted in disastrous tailings dam failures, to shrinking tailings storage facility footprints due to growing production levels, your tailings management process must be built with an infrastructure that's minded for the future.

Tailings is a common by-product of the mineral recovery process. They usually take the form of a liquid slurry made of fine mineral particles – created when mined ore is crushed, ground and processed – and water.


From the mill, the tailings is often pumped to surface storage facilities which are commonly constructed using earth dams. These range in size from a swimming-pool to areas over 1,000 hectares. As the sandy residue of tailings gradually drains and becomes compact and dry, grass and other vegetation is planted to stabilise the environment. This is called the reclamation process.


Before the water in the tailings can be used again, or discharged into the local drainage system, it must be treated to remove harmful substances that would pollute the environment or risk the health and safety of local communities near the facility.


If not managed properly, tailings can have a damaging impact on the environment and human health and safety, with pollution from effluent and dust emissions being potentially toxic to humans, animals or plants. This harm is multiplied many times over should a tailings storage facility physically fail. Flooding from tailings materials can greatly damage the surrounding environment and even lead to loss of human life.


Responsible management of the world's resources is key to enabling a sustainable future for us all.


Florrea is committed to strengthening the social and environmental performance of the mining and metals industry to deliver the materials essential for human progress in a responsible way.


The management of tailings, both during and after mining, is the responsibility of mining companies and is subject to advanced regulatory regimes. This means that tailings management needs to be effective throughout the life of an operation, from initial feasibility through to closure and post-closure.


The type of after-care can vary greatly depending on the nature of the tailings. In cases where tailings don’t contain harmful substances, water is drained from the tailings storage facility to safeguard its physical stability, and then re-shaped, covered with soil and vegetated.

 In other instances, longer-term measures may need to be put in place to safeguard the physical stability, chemical stability and subsequent land use of the tailings storage facilities.


Over the last decade, the mining industry has come a long way in improving how it operates: enhancing safety for mine workers and the communities living nearby, developing fresh approaches to protecting the environment, coming up with new ways of including and supporting local communities, and helping host economies grow in a sustainable way.


Tailings can be stored in a variety of ways: which way depends on numerous factors, for instance the local topography, how much rainfall an area gets, whether there is regular or irregular seismic activity recorded, the type of mineral being mined and how close the mine is to populated areas. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, each tailings storage facility is unique.


Identifying the most appropriate method of tailings construction is important to ensure the safe and sustainable operation of a facility.


Tailings storage facilities follow one of three wall construction designs: these are downstream, upstream and centreline.

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