Flotation Collectors
Florrea has a wide range of collectors that provide varing levels of power and selectivity for both sulfide and industrial mineral applications. Each of the following basic product familles have a variety of derivatives to accommodate the needs of each particular ore. In most cases, our custom formulations of these basic chemistries are developed to meet the industrial needs of the mill.

Dithiophosphinate Replacement
Dithiophosphinate alternatives/equivalents/replacements,Florrea BESTRECⓇseries flotation collectors are unique mining chemicals in mineral processing and beneficiation. Florrea BESTRECⓇ base metal and precious metal ore collectors are highly selective for the separation of copper from copper-zinc ores and lead from lead-zinc ores, rejecting iron sulfides, arsenopyrite and penalty element sulfides.

Xanthate Replacement
Xanthate replacement Collectors.
Florrea ECOXANTHATEⓇ series mining chemicals are new effective flotation collectors replacing xanthate in sulphide flotation which is one of the key beneficiation methods for mineral processing . Due to the hazardous classification of xanthate collectors and difficulties with storage......
Florrea ECOXANTHATEⓇ series mining chemicals are new effective flotation collectors replacing xanthate in sulphide flotation which is one of the key beneficiation methods for mineral processing . Due to the hazardous classification of xanthate collectors and difficulties with storage......

MaxCopperZincⓇ collectors
Florrea MaxCopperZincⓇ Solution provides an exceptional mining technology and flotation reagents scheme for copper and zinc separations,one of the most difficulty challenging complex sulfide ore beneficiation in plant.

Copper Collectors at low pH range
Novel flotation collector for base and precious metals at lower pH value. Florrea MAXCOPPER@ series collectors are world advanced functionalized flotation reagents for minerals Processing. This new flotation reagent has been shown to demonstrate robustness in plant operation – reduced variability in plant recoveries, and improved overall copper recovery. It is a greener mining reagent than standard products especially xanthates.

Pb Collectors
In order to achieve better economical extraction of valuable resources of lead sulfides minerals , zinc sulfides minerals and precious metals along with our expert advice and technical support, Florrea MaxLeadZinc@ Solution is designed to provide value added specialty chemicals and technologies for lead and zinc ore flotation , for the purpose to improve separation efficiencies between Lead sulfides minerals with zinc sulfides and iron sulfides minerals.

Oxide Zinc Ore Collectors
Florrea MaxCopperZincⓇ Solution provides an exceptional mining technology and flotation reagents scheme for copper and zinc separations ,one of the most difficulty challenging complex sulfide ore beneficiation in plant .